

So Boo is Six now and started first grade. She has so much personality and I don't where she gets it from. She is a clown, but sharp as a tac. She doesn't let anything slip by her.


So I tried out the challenge. I think I did ok for not following the diet. I have moved on to doing some of the videos, but then going to the gym and focusing on the glamor muscles. So tell me what you think.


My Boo is the greatest! She shines and has such a pleasant personality. Always the fair, just one. Everything Must be equal. There is no accept ions. She is Healthily shy at first, but makes friends on a dime if it's another 6 yr old. I Love my little Boo. She is the Woman of my life. Sometimes, I think that life tends to get in the way of being able to truly say how I feel. I am still fearful of how she is handling the Divorce, and the thoughts of losing her mommy. She is growing up so quickly, and will be graduating kindergarten in a few weeks. Amazing.